“If You Want to Write
Direct Response Sales Letters
That Can Make You RICH…
Here’s A 100% Guaranteed Way
That Puts You There
In The Shortest Possible Time”
On this page, 3 different Copy Coaching levels you can choose from: a single session, regular month-to-month or … get the most benefits becoming a V.I.P. Copy Coaching Client …(or Apply to become a V.I.P. Copy Cub)
The most successful marketers and copywriters, the ones who get the most continuous and proven most profitable results are the one’s who maintain a long-term copywriting relationship with a mentor (continuous = V.I.P. Copy Cub).
Many of those marketers and copywriters who have experienced copywriting coaching with Jonathan (see below) say they learned much faster because this copywriting coaching method combines the easy access of the Skype telephone and video with an online ‘real-time’ visual Second Look™ copy critique and edit of present copy or direct response projects. With these KEY ingredients you can actually ‘see’ the ad improvements yourself immediately.
{We reserve the right to change, modify or discontinue this programme offering at anytime for any reason.}
Here’s What Some Successful Copywriting Coaching Clients
Have This To Say About Their Profitable Results From
Jonathan Dune’s Copy Coaching Sessions:
“Unconventional Wisdom = Responsive Ad Profits!”
“…no more B.S., Jonathan showed me how to make our ads much more responsive and profitable… Way more profitable! My copywriter tells me we have spent a lot of money for copywriting coaching training with many copywriting ‘gurus’ … yet Jonathan is better than all of them. And I agree.”
V.I.P. Elite Platinum Coaching Client “Big Mike” Michael Straumietis | CEO and Owner of AdvancedNutrients.com | TheRealBigMike.com
“More Than Just Words…”
“…Jonathan’s insights into our products and services made us more focused profits. Jonathan’s copywriting coaching and Second Look™ ad critiques helped us refocus multiplying our sales, increasing our connection with our customers and increasing retention.”
V.I.P. Elite Platinum Client Stuart Spencer | Audiologist & Founder – AdvancedEarCare.com
“A Wealth of Knowledge Every Time We Chat…”
“…Jonathan’s tips and million dollar secrets keeps me thinking of new ideas with great pointers with predictable results.”
V.I.P. Elite Platinum Client Elite Mastermind Copywriting Best Copy Second Look™ Client Chris Marlow | Copywriter, Marketer, & Copywriter’s Coach | CopywriterCoach.com
“Just This One Tip Separated Me From My Competitors…”
“…Jonathan took an extraordinary amount of time asking questions, speaking with me about my business, what my expectations were, what the end result of my marketing would accomplish and look like. Then Jonathan’s one idea for implementation separated me from my competitors!”
Elite Mastermind Copywriting Second Look™ Critique Client Peter Van L Brady | Custom Renovated Homes for Veterans | Veteran’s Angels Fund Real Estate Investments I VA Home Loans I Author – SoCalVAHomes.org
“Since Second Look™ AD Critique… A 120% Increase in Business…”
“…one of the many things that has stuck with me so far is writing my ads like sitting across the table from a client and talking to them. Just imagining that is immensely helpful. Also including “re-affirming” the product after the sale. Just hearing a different point of view was very helpful to me.”
Elite Mastermind Copywriting Second Look™ Critique Client Gayle Brantuk | Vice President, Glen-L Marine Designs | Glen-L.com
“Ad Changes Produced Immediate 27% More Profitable Sales…”
“Have spent a lot of money on copywriting gurus and Jonathan has shown to be better than all of them. Especially the expanded copy scoring chart, and the reader benefits guidelines. This is all real practical and useful info.”
V.I.P. Elite Platinum Copy Cub Client Pete Brody | Advanced Living – copywriter
Your Copy Coaching Choices:
P r e m i e r C o p y C o a c h i n g
limited-membership Just Getting Started? This One’s For You!
Can you ask really good questions? Can you follow instruction? Premier Copy Coaching gets you the hard answers and guidance. If you have only dabbled around direct-response copywriting or advertising, maybe your idea of a copywriter is writing your own ads, then this is your best choice to getting started.
Here’s How You Get Started:
(1) Two Skype/telephone Premier Copy Coaching sessions scheduled per month (up to 60 minutes each in length);
(2) You get email follow-up and mentor support narrowed to the specific project from each session call;
(3) Each marketing and copywriting coaching session is a process that may involve (1) minimal copy review/critique of one current copywriting work project uploaded to google docs, thus offering you ‘live’ visual changes to the copy on google docs and: (2) final copy review Second Look™ critique/evaluation for any one current project uploaded to google docs;
(4) Each ‘real-time’ interactive Premier Copy coaching session on google docs of your uploaded copy provides you viewing of any editing, changes, tips and recommendations all on your computer screen.
Premier Copy Coaching – is for you if you are just getting started writing your own copy, doing your own direct-response copywriting projects: one person only.
Don’t Miss Out… Get Your V.I.P. membership by upgrading to Gold Master Copy Coaching.
To participate you must have a signed contract, be pre-paid for the session or sessions and be pre-scheduled in advance for current membership.
Premier Copy Coaching Members Get More Than $597.00 value per session
Second Look™ Copy Critique ONLY CLICK HERE
G o l d C o p y C o a c h i n g
limited-membership MOST POPULAR CHOICE
Ideal for you if you have a small company (or a company striving to be larger + more profitable) previously worked with some direct-response copywriting projects, maybe you even hired a copywriter, well… this level is your best choice… our most popular by demand.
Here’s What You Get:
(1) Two Skype/telephone guided Gold Copy Coaching sessions scheduled per month (up to 90 minutes each in length)
(2) You get email follow-up and guided support narrowed to specific projects from each session call.
(3) Each marketing and copywriting coaching session is a comprehensive process that may involve: (1) marginal copy review/critique of up to two current copywriting work products uploaded to google docs, thus offering ‘live’ visual changes to the copy on google docs and: (2) one final copy review Second Look™ critique/evaluation for any current project uploaded to google docs.
(4) Each ‘real-time’ interactive session on google docs of your uploaded copy provides you viewing of any editing, changes, tips and recommendations all on your computer screen.
(5) *PLUS: Receive unannounced add-on BONUSES by email.
Master Copy Coaching level – is comprehensive: sessions may include you and one other specified person in your company.
Gold Master Copy Coaching V.I.P. Membership … When You Invest In 5 months… You Get the 6th Month… ABSOLUTELY FREE! a $497.00 value
V.I.P. Today ONLY… Enquire to find out
To participate you must have a signed contract, be pre-paid for the session or sessions and be pre-scheduled in advance for current membership.
Master Copy Coaching Members Get More Than $1,194.00 value per session
Second Look™ Copy Critique ONLY CLICK HERE
P l a t i n u m C o p y C o a c h i n g E l i t e
limited-membership All Inclusive Top-End
When you want absolutely the very best… the most benefits of a one-on-one Copy coaching relationship. Maybe you have created a multi-million dollar company (or you have a company that you want to be) … you already have several direct-response projects, you have hired one or more copywriters or you have an on-staff copywriter, then this is the level of membership you will be happy with.
Here’s What You Get:
(1) Three Skype/telephone all inclusive copywriting coaching sessions scheduled per month (up to 120 minutes each in length)
(2) Three copywriting coaching sessions email follow-up and all inclusive support narrowed to specific projects from each session call.
(3) Each marketing and copywriting coaching session is an inclusive process that may involve (1) complete copy review/critique of up to two current copywriting work products uploaded to google docs, thus offering ‘live’ visual changes to the copy on google docs and: (2) final copy review Second Look™ critique/evaluation for any two current project uploaded to google docs
(4) Each ‘real-time’ interactive copywriting coaching session on google docs of your uploaded copy provides you viewing of any editing, changes, tips and recommendations all on your computer screen.
(5) *PLUS: Receive several, valuable, unannounced add-on BONUSES by email.
Elite Copy Coaching level – is most inclusive: starts at 997.00 per month – sessions may include you and one other person in your company.
Platinum Elite Copy Coaching V.I.P. Membership … When You Invest In 5 months… You Get the 6th Month… ABSOLUTELY FREE! a $997.00 value
V.I.P. Today ONLY… Enquire to find out
To participate you must have a signed contract, be current for the session or sessions and be pre-scheduled in advance for current membership.
Elite Copy Coaching Members Get More Than $1,791.00 value per session
Second Look™ Copy Critique ONLY CLICK HERE
Apply Now for Your Copywriting Coaching Membership
V.I.P. Platinum Copy Coaching Elite or V.I.P. Gold Copy Coaching Master Memberships
(V.I.P.: defines an investment of a minimum of 6 consecutive months.)
V.I.P. Membership Gets You All The Regular Benefits PLUS 3 MORE V.I.P. Members Only BONUSES:
- V.I.P. Member BONUS #1 : By Invitation – Members ONLY Teleseminars/Live Webinars ($597 value)
How much is your time worth?
- V.I.P. Member BONUS #2 : Front-of-the-Line-Pass for HIGH-PRIORITY Scheduling Sessions($$$ invaluable)
- V.I.P. Member BONUS #3 : Monthly Specials (up to $997 value)
V.I.P. Platinum Copy Coaching Elite and V.I.P. Gold Copy Coaching Master Members With Pre-Paid V.I.P. Extended Contracts SAVE UP to 16.67%. You may also UPGRADE to – V.I.P. Platinum Copy Coaching Elite or V.I.P. Gold Copy Coaching Master membership and SAVE even more!
[Notice: *Monthly membership agreements are debited on your credit card each month until you cancel. All monthly membership cancellations or OPT-OUT requests must be sent by Postal Delivery in writing. ANY monthly membership cancellations revert all further services to current rates. No refunds issued.]
Consultation Onsite Services Available Upon Request (Consultation Outcall On Location – See you at your choice of location) Consultation Outcall On Location Service Pricing starts at 1997.00 per hour(prepaid) or all day (request details for all day consulting).
CLICK HERE to Request Details
V.I.P. Copy Cub programme:
If you’re a copywriter with some work experience in your book and you want to up your career to the next level… then my V.I.P. Copy Cub programme may be for you. Send me an email, tell me some things about yourself and your work to see if you qualify for this exclusive and limited opportunity: APPLY NOW!