INSIDE: “Profitable and Breakthrough Advertising Secrets
No One Wants You to Know . . .”


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First . . . most copywriters don’t want you to know . . .

“On average, five times as many people read this, your headline, as read the rest of your copy. Once this is written, you have spent eighty cents of your dollar.”
~ David Ogilvy

The only purpose of your headline is to do one thing, and one thing only… to get you to read the next line. It’s not here to sell you on anything other than to read the next line and so on. It’s the same whether you read the headline above or any subject-line in any email.

This is the essence of an effective sales letter.

Yes, it’s true. The headline does not sell anything but the next sentence. This why your advertising message, the words you deliver, your story, have to speak directly to the person who passionately wants what you have to offer. Like this is doing to you right now.

When you want your buyer to enthusiastically grab and buy your product in your first ad run, or you want to get an injection of amazing zing in your current running ad, causing your buyer to take immediate action  and BUY!… you can get a quick analysis right now showing you how to get your ad selling today. 
… keep reading and see what the next secret is…

Could you be losing
thousands of dollars of profit from your ad all without you knowing?

All this could be because of something in the ad . . . something you can’t put your finger on, something that misses making the vital emotional connection your buyer is feeling right now. What if you could stack the odds slightly or even more in your favour? Why wait? You wouldn’t give this overtly strong advantage over your competitor . . . Would you?

“The best bargain for your marketing
is a good sales letter.”
~ Eugene Schwartz

A good sales letter, is a winning sales letter. A unique message speaking to someone just like you, right now. All written to provoke an immediate, measurable response, so easy to duplicate, over and over again. Can you imagine having an exciting, unstoppable, compelling message triggering a surge in cash flow . . . just for you and your product? A bargain at any price, wouldn’t you say?

You can get these results and more having your own insider’s secret weapon… a team member who can translate your prospects emotions into increasing sales. This gives you the ultimate, house advantage just like a Las Vegas casino stacking the odds in your favour. Don’t you think this is by far the best bargain, vein of gold you will ever invest in? And the best thing is, you can go to this vein of gold over, and over again because this investment keeps on paying you.

Many people want to get their product to the market and start enjoying the cash flow of success. But without this insider, this edge, you could be someone losing profits on a under-performing ad. Isn’t it time to find out now how making the connection to your target customer, your client, your prospect will increase your sales?

Stop losing valuable profits today from an ad that has failed to connect with your prospects vital emotions . . . Imagine right now what it would feel like turning a hefty profit within the first few hours of your new ad launch? Your competitor would not hesitate, will you?

Well, if you have an ad you currently running, now is the best time to take the next step and find out with my proven ‘Second Look™‘ ad critique. With your exclusive ‘Second Look™ critique you can see point-by-point if your current ad needs just a few tweaks or changes, or you need a completely new ad to dramatically improve your sales. Several of my clients using ‘Second Look™, have seen their ad sales jump in responsive sales profits much faster after just a ‘Second Look™.

“Since Second Look™ Ad Critique…
A 120% Increase in Business…”

(insider’s knowledge according to Gayle Brantuk – Vice President, Glen-L Marine Designs)

If the lack of sales with your current ad keeping you up at night … If the idea of writing an ad leaves you in a panic because the words just don’t come together… if it’s just that one missing idea you need to push it over the top to succeed … your success may be closer than you think. Understand, it’s really not your fault. Sometimes it could be the difference of adding just one letter to one word . . . or maybe only adding one word is the key to making the money your deserve. 

“Just One Of Jonathan’s Ideas
Separated Me From My Competitors!…”

(insider’s knowledge according to Peter Van L Brady | Custom Renovated Homes for Veterans | Veteran’s Angels Fund Real Estate Investments I VA Home Loans I Author –

Are you willing to leave now, click away, all knowing that feeling of just settling for that current ad draining your profits dry? Maybe you are mailing to unknown lists of unqualified prospects? Maybe you are looking to just break even on your mailing? Are you aggressive in your marketing approach or cautiously holding back? The answers to these and other questions can also make or break your efforts to create a successful outcome with your sales letter.

Ask yourself this question:

“Shouldn’t I be getting the maximum amount of return (ROI),
the maximum amount of cash, from my current marketing efforts?”

Consider these questions:

1. Do you have an unquenchable thirst for growth?

2. Does your marketing plan include acquiring a new customer at a small cost only to quadruple your customer base, revenue and sales profits in as little as two years?

Next. . .

If you are not currently getting the maximum amount of money
from your marketing efforts… and you want a clear demonstration of:

Increasing profits you can measure,
Sales you can monitor and…
Increasing sales profits you can reproduce at will

for any amount you invest in your marketing and advertising…

Get Your Free
No-Strings-Attached, Ad Analysis Today!

Wouldn’t you like just a few insider’s words giving you the combination to the safe holding your stacks and stacks of waiting cash? You can get started now: No-Strings-Attached Private Chat

You’ll find out how to…

Identify for once exactly what deeply held desire your prospect connects with your product or service…
Finally zero in on the aspirations of your prospect to immediately profit from selling in ways you had yet to think of…
Discover how using just one secret strategy will take your sales to higher profits
Target the male or female brain to respond differently to your sales letter and offer . . . I cracked the code…
Uncover whether your present sales letter or video is missing this vital element that kills sales 63% of the time…
See which words your current sales letter or video uses that are stopping your sales…
How my proven control beating strategies get you more profits from clicks, calls and sales…
And…SO much more!…

Imagine using any one of these unheard of insider selling techniques… like resurrecting a product once thought dead and unsellable given it new life selling in quantities, bringing in cash you never thought possible…

The exact application of this one secret strategy alone I learned in detail watching how my personal mentor Eugene Schwartz applied it in action over thirty years ago. This was just one single secret strategy ‘Gene’ successfully used for several of his clients bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars for them.

And now you too can get in on profiting from this proven insider secret strategy from the legendary Eugene Schwartz as many others just like you have done by working with me.

“Jonathan is a visionary marketing strategist, a proven direct-response copywriter, author, speaker and a well-respected copywriting coach to many copy cubs turned professional successful copywriters. In addition to creating new winning sales ads and promotions in a variety of industries, Jonathan works constantly with clients and copywriters, secretly turning many ads lacking sales into dynamic, profitable winners.”

If you don’t know of, or ever heard of Eugene Schwartz… Get some insights of my one-on-one, in-person, mentoring experience with the man himself: Who’s Jonathan So you might say when hiring me you also get me + Gene.


”…Ads Proven Much More Responsive and
Way More Profitable!
You’ve Come to the Right Place!”

(insider’s knowledge according to “Big Mike” – Michael Straumietis, CEO and Owner of the massively successful  |

-> -> Here’s STEP #1… or you can click here see Current Services

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About . . .

copywriter Jonathan Dune
Jonathan Dune, seasoned direct response copywriter – Crafting and delivering responsive ads, and continually translating consistent Profits On Investment (P.O.I.) for clients – Jonathan also has numerous winning responsive ads in several languages besides English. (If your main language is not English) (2021 current ad controls for: financial, alternative health, crypto and other industries which includes many solo one-person companies to several multi-billion dollar corporations.)

Get Jonathan to craft you an ad selling when no other has been able to connect to your market. An ad that will potentially make you just a little more successful and possibly much more wealthy than you are right now? Read on…

Here’s Just A Little of His-story …

Early on Jonathan was an inquisitive, curious soul… an avid reader who showed skill at communicating with words through the pen.

How early? At the young age of nine, Jonathan read an article in the newspaper and all the follow-up letters to the editor about an issue that caught his interest.

This subject or “problem” had been written about in the newspaper before several times, yet no one seemed to respond offering any solution.

Jonathan responded, and wrote a letter to the editor with a thought-through outline offering his solution of what he felt should be done …

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More About Jonathan…

Direct Response Copywriting Menu

Serving You: Direct Response Marketing ConsultingCopywritingSecond Look™ Copy Critique
Copy Cub CoachingDirect Response Sales LettersMagalogsCatalog CopyRadio Copy
EmailText/SMSMobile/CellWebsite CopyVideo/VSLDRTVSeminarsPublic Speaking Events
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You want an experienced eye with proven direct response results to take a second look? How would you like higher profits from your current ad, or sales letter with just a little tweak? Get higher profitable results now by arranging a risk free Direct Response Marketing “Show-You-How” Consultation services…
Click Here


Is your marketing converting into more profitable sales? Imagine what benefits your prospect or client seeks from your product or service … Does your marketing message communicate those benefits clearly? What are the specific benefits your prospect or client seeks? Are you losing sales because they may not be what you think? Could you be leaving money on the table? Take Action Here To Change That With Marketing Services…
Click Here

COPYWRITING... It's Your Words...

Copywriting, marketing legend and my personal mentor, Eugene Schwartz, wrote in his book, Breakthrough Advertising, “The best bargain for your marketing is a good sales letter. If possible, pay extra for a top-of the line proven responsive copywriter. More proven winners out-pulling previous sales records – up to many months as a control depending on the sales response.” When just one letter makes all the difference or just one letter … don’t you want a top-of the line proven responsive copywriter who’s proven record at writing responsive copy immediately produces more profitable sales for your product/service?…
Click Here


Before releasing your new ad, any existing ad, your sales letter, your landing webpage, your e-mail responder campaign, or most importantly your direct mail package in the world… don’t you deserve an experienced second opinion, an objective full insight Second Look™ copy critique? Or maybe you can use an on-going copywriting coaching relationship to get you building your momentum and see how it’s done… Read all the Testimonials… Don’t Miss Out Getting More Continuous Profitable Sales… With Your Second Look™ Copy Critique or Copy Cub Coaching… Sign-Up Now
Click Here

Work With Jonathan . . .

Want to work with Jonathan? CLICK button below...


Here’s What Some Successful Copy Cub Coaching Clients
Have This To Say About Their Profitable Results From
Jonathan Dune’s Copy Coaching Sessions:

Michael Straumietis | CEO and Owner of

“Unconventional Wisdom = Responsive Ad Profits!””

“…no more B.S., Jonathan showed me how to make our ads much more responsive and profitable… Way more profitable! My copywriter tells me we have spent a lot of money for copywriting coaching training with many copywriting ‘gurus’ … yet Jonathan is better than all of them. And I agree.”

V.I.P. Elite Platinum Copy Coaching Client
“Big Mike” Michael Straumietis | CEO and Owner of  |

Stuart Spencer | Audiologist & Founder -

“More Than Just Words…”

“…Jonathan’s insights into our products and services made us more focused profits. Jonathan’s copywriting coaching and Second Look™ ad critiques helped us refocus multiplying our sales, increasing our connection with our customers and increasing retention.”

V.I.P. Elite Platinum Copy Coaching Client
Stuart Spencer | Audiologist & Founder –

Chris Marlow | Copywriter, Marketer, &

“A Wealth of Knowledge Every Time We Chat…”

“…Jonathan’s tips and million dollar secrets keeps me thinking of new ideas
with great pointers with predictable results.”

V.I.P. Elite Platinum Copy Client
Elite Mastermind Copywriting Best Copy Second Look™ Client
Chris Marlow | Copywriter, Marketer, & Copywriter’s Coach |

Peter Van L Brady | Custom Renovated Homes for Veterans | Veteran's Angels Fund Real Estate Investments I VA Home Loans I Author -

“Just This One Tip Separated Me From My Competitors…”

“…Jonathan took an extraordinary amount of time asking questions, speaking with me about my business, what my expectations were, what the end result of my marketing would accomplish and look like. Then Jonathan’s one idea with implementation separated me from my competitors!”

Elite Mastermind Copywriting Second Look™ Critique Client
Peter Van L Brady | Custom Renovated Homes for Veterans | Veteran’s Angels Fund Real Estate Investments I VA Home Loans I Author –

Gayle Brantuk | Vice President, Glen-L Marine Designs |

“Since Second Look™ AD Critique…
A 120% Increase in Business…”

“…one of the many things that has stuck with me so far is writing my ads like sitting
across the table from a client and talking to them. Just imagining that is immensely
helpful. Also including “re-affirming” the product after the sale. Just hearing a different
point of view was very helpful to me.”

Elite Mastermind Copywriting Second Look™ Critique Client
Gayle Brantuk | Vice President, Glen-L Marine Designs |


“Ad Changes Produced Immediate 27% More Profitable Sales…”

“Have spent a lot of money on copywriting gurus and Jonathan has shown to be better than all of them. Especially the expanded copy scoring chart, and the reader benefits guidelines. This is all real practical and useful info.”

V.I.P. Elite Platinum Copy Cub Coaching Client
Pete Brody | Advanced Living – copywriter



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DISCLAIMER: Just for the United States FCC and you… my results are in no way typical. In no way am I telling you that you will experience what many other prospects and clients just like you in over 50 years have achieved or experienced. ANY and ALL testimonials you see or read on this website are presented as the clients sent them to us as true and accurate and we repeat: are NOT typical results. ANY and ALL testimonials are graciously sent or given to us by these clients to share their experience with you, the reader. By contracting services as with any business purchase or venture you are fully aware that you receive no promise(s) of any guaranteed specific outcome and are aware of the inherent risk for loss of capital.

In my opinion and experience, most people who hire professional consulting or marketing services or buy ANY so-called ‘How-to…’ or ‘improvement’ products… including but not limited to my own, get little if any typical results. WHY? Because some of THESE people FAIL to TEST, FAIL to take action, and FAIL to keep trying after hitting those inevitable roadblocks. When you want to succeed, you need a good solid plan, the will to stick it out, do the hard work and keep working toward your goals even when you hit snags and roadblocks. Do me a favor and yourself… If you just keep hiring marketing professionals, paying them for their advice and guidance but then fail time and time again in following through with the guidance… the process … you are wasting your time, and MINE… As well if you are someone who has been buying ’how-to’ information products and never use them, never implement … you are also wasting your time, and not MINE. In either case… thank you but… No Thank you. Please go to someone else.”

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USE OF THIS WEBSITE: The primary use of this website is to educate, advise and do business in the common modes of marketing, sales and advertising with the use of contracted copywriting services in a sales message format enabling the sale of clients products or services with words in print, audio, or by any digital means. Any quotes or excerpts are offered to illustrate marketing and copywriting techniques published within “Fair Use” doctrine. No part of this website may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, or by any by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the website owner Jonathan Dune and Two Comma Copy Pty Ltd or Two Comma Copy LLC. Send all enquiries by email to: use permission AT TwoCommaCopy DOT com

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