DISCLAIMER: Just for the United States FCC and you… my results are in no way typical. In no way am I telling you that you will experience what many other prospects and clients just like you in over 50 years have achieved or experienced. ANY and ALL testimonials you see or read on this website are presented as the clients sent them to us as true and accurate and we repeat: are NOT typical results. ANY and ALL testimonials are graciously sent or given to us by these clients to share their experience with you, the reader. By contracting services as with any business purchase or venture you are fully aware that you receive no promise(s) of any guaranteed specific outcome and are aware of the inherent risk for loss of capital.
In my opinion and experience, most people who hire professional consulting or marketing services or buy ANY so-called ‘How-to…’ or ‘improvement’ products… including but not limited to my own, get little if any typical results. WHY? Because some of THESE people FAIL to TEST, FAIL to take action, and FAIL to keep trying after hitting those inevitable roadblocks. When you want to succeed, you need a good solid plan, the will to stick it out, do the hard work and keep working toward your goals even when you hit snags and roadblocks. Do me a favor and yourself… If you just keep hiring marketing professionals, paying them for their advice and guidance but then fail time and time again in following through with the guidance… the process … you are wasting your time, and MINE… As well if you are someone who has been buying ’how-to’ information products and never use them, never implement … you are also wasting your time, and not MINE. In either case… thank you but… No Thank you. Please go to someone else.”
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USE OF THIS WEBSITE: The primary use of this website is to educate, advise and do business in the common modes of marketing, sales and advertising with the use of contracted copywriting services in a sales message format enabling the sale of clients products or services with words in print, audio, or by any digital means. Any quotes or excerpts are offered to illustrate marketing and copywriting techniques published within “Fair Use” doctrine. No part of this website may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, or by any by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the website owner Jonathan Dune and Two Comma Copy Pty Ltd or Two Comma Copy LLC. Send all enquiries by email to: use permission AT TwoCommaCopy DOT com
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